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The Finnish American Historical Archive

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The FAHC Historical Archive houses the largest collection of Finnish-North American materials in the world.

Along with archival materials, the collection includes genealogical resources, information about Finnish culture, artifacts, and North America’s largest collection of Finnish-American artwork. Visitors to the FAHC can view the artifacts on display and access the historical collections.  To search the collections online, follow the links below.

Archival Finding Aids & Resources

Past Perfect – Online Catalog

If you would like to donate materials, please review our collection policy and email the archivist with any questions:

Hours and Location

Street Address: 435 Quincy St., Hancock, MI 49930

Mailing Address: 437 Quincy St., Hancock, MI 49930

History of the archive

Under the leadership of Dr. Armas Holmio, the Finnish American Historical Archive was established in 1932. Since that time, it has acquired many unique items, such as original artwork by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Eero Nelimarkka and other famous Finnish and Finnish-American artists, and two 1642 Bibles known as the Christina Bible and commissioned by Queen Christina of Sweden, the first printed edition of the Bible completely in the Finnish language.

At present, the collection features some 40,000 items in a climate-controlled setting. The archive continues to collect materials related to its mission of preserving and promoting Finnish-American culture.