Community Programs
For current information about any FAHC programming, call (906) 487-7549, or like the Finnish American Heritage Center on Facebook to be among the first to find out about updates. Our Finnish American Folk School offers a variety of community programming year round.
Kivajat dancers
The Kivajat Finnish-American Folk Dance group is a successful youth outreach of the Finnish American Heritage Center. The Kivajat preserves, interprets and performs traditional Finnish folk dances and music, wearing traditional Finnish folk costume.
Since 2004, the Kivajat have been ambassadors for the Heritage Center and the Copper Country, dancing at nursing homes and festivals throughout the region, including the Western UP, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Canada and even Finland.
Children ages 5 to 17 are divided by age into three distinct groups. Contact Kay Seppala at:
Read more about Kivajat here or find them on Facebook.