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Finding Aids – Archival Collections

Archival Collections

Finding Aids representing a large portion of the Finnish American Historical Archive collection.  Below you will find finding aids for selected series in the Archive’s collection.

An updated inventory of every series is not yet available, though a former directory can be found here: Finnish American Historical Archive Collections, a finding aid dating from 1999-2002, hosted by The Genealogical Society of Finland.

Selected Manuscript Collections

K-Series : Workers’ Organizations

L-Series : Cooperatives

O-Series : Organizations, Other

O-1 to O-40 coming soo

O-41 FUSAC (Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada) 1981-2000 2 folders.

O-42 The Finn Hall of Hubbel Mich. 1920-1963 3 folders.  Financial ledger, photographs, and ephemera.

O-43 Massachusettsin Suomalaisa Liikemiehiä 1890-1945 1 box of index cards.  Massachusetts Finnish Businessman Assocation, index cards containing membership information.  Divided into: Rockport Lanesville Peabod Boston Gardner West Barnsatble, Maynard, Quincy, Fitchburg, and Worcester.

O-44 Finnish Martha Society in De Kalb, Illi. 1941-1945. Minute Book.

O-45 “Veikot” urheilu- ja voimistelu seuran in De Kalb, Illi. 1930-1933. Membership and financial ledger, “Veikot” Finnish Athletic Club in De Kalb, Illi.

O-46 De Kalbin Kansallismielisten yhdistys 1926-1929. Minute book, Finnish Nationalistic Society of De Kalb, Illi. Minute Book.

O-47 Finnish Organizations of Butte, Montana (W.C. Koski Collection) .5 ft.

O-48 Kinnunen, Mauri miscellaneous copies 2 Folders.  Dunblane, Saskatchewan Finnish Cemetery ledger (late 1800’s-1978) and Publishing Company Records from Rauha Publishing Assoc. (American Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church to publish “Rauhan Tervehdys,” 30 March 1923), Copper Country Printing Company (22 Dec. 1929), and The Finnish Republican Printing Company changes its name to the Valvoja Publishing Company (3 Oct. 1945).

O-49 Finnish-American Mining Company 1908-1927 7 folders.  Correspondence from the J.H. Jasberg collection regarding debt payments

R-Series : Historical Societies and Museums”]

R-1 Finnish-American Historical Society of Hiawathaland records (and Hjalmer Mäkilä papers) 3.5 linear feet and 2 oversize scrapbooks.  The Finnish-American Historical Society of Hiawathaland first met as the Iron Kauntin suomalaisten historiaseura (Finnish-American Historical Society of Iron County) on June 4, 1938.  They later changed their name to the Iron Kauntin ja ympäristan suomalaisten historiaseura (Finnish-American Historical Society of Iron County and Surrounding Areas) in 1939 before settling on Finnish-American Historical Society of Hiawathaland.  The collection was donated by Hjlamer Mäkilä / Makila of Crystal Falls, Mich., and about 1.5 linear feet of the collection is his personal correspondence and ephemera, including letters to and from various temperance societies, Help Finland, Inc., and the Knights of Kaleva organization.  The collection also contains a wealth of Iron County, Michigan Finnish-American genealogical information, as all 266 members of the society were required to fill out a long membership form, containing places of marriages, deaths, births, and other data (some forms even have short autobiographies).

R-2 Society for the Publication of the History of Michigan Finns records 1 linear ft.  Business records and correspondence related to the publication of Armas K.E. Holmio’s History of the Finns in Michigan in 1967.  The name index for this book and other information are available on this genealogy page.

R-3 Finnish-American Historical Society records (and Wilho Hedman papers) 1936-1942 4 folders. Record books, correspondence and ephmera related to the Finnish-American Historical Society of New York City from the papers of Wilho Hedman, who worked for the Raivajaa Publishing Company and served as an executive officer in said organization.  The main aim of the organization was to prepare for the Delaware 300-Year Tercentenary Celebration of 1941 in Chester, Penn.

R-4 Suomalaisten Yhdistyneitten Seurojen Itsenäisyysjuhla-toimikunta collection 1937-1940 1 folder. Federation of Finnish-American Societies Finnish Independence Celebration Committee. Includes 1937 speech and 1940 program for the celebration held at the Finnish Education Hall in New York City.

R-5 New Yorkin Suomalaisten Seurojen Keskustoimikunta collection 1944-1947 1 folder.  Greater New York Federation of Finnish-American Societies.  Letter from 1944, addressed to the President [possibly of the United States (?)], regarding Finland’s precarious wartime position, and a Finnish and English copy of the 1947 Juhannus (Mid-Summer) speech delivered by Judge Roger J. Brock at Central Park in New York City.

R-6 Finland Day Committee, 1939 New York World’s Fair records 1938-1939 6 folders. Includes program, itinerary, advertising contracts, financial records, correspondence, and ephemera.

R-7 Finnish American Historical Society of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia collection 1973-1981 1 item.  Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and correspondence.

R-8 Finnish American Society of Washington, D.C. records 1939-1941 1 folder.  1941 by-laws, two membership applications, meeting minutes, 1939-1941.

R-9 Federation of Finnish Amerian Historical Societies in North America records 1970 1 folder. One set of meeting minutes dated June 30, 1970.  The meeting took place at Suomi College (Finlandia University) in Hancock, Mich.

R-10 Minnesotan Suomalais-Amerikkalaisen Historiallisen Seura / Minneostan Suomalainen Historiallinen Seura records 1953 2 items.  Minnesota Finnish-American Historical Society.  Published set of 1953 by-laws (Perussäännöt ja Sivusäännöt) printed by the Duluth Cooperative Society, and undated publication titled Vielä ei ole myöhäistä.

R-11 Canadan Suomalaisten Historiaseura records 1963 1 folder. Candian Finnish Historical Society of Copper Cliff, Ontario, membership forms and other ephemera.  Membership Forms contain a lot of autobiographical information and some photographs.

R-12 Ohio Finnish-American Historical Society records 1 linear ft. Includes the Warren, Ohio and Fairport, Ohio branches of the Ohio Finnish-American Historical Society.

R-13 Finnish American Historical Society of Michigan records 1 folder.  Based in Detroit, Mich., the records include the 1940 All-Sibelius Concert program, Articles of Incorporation (1947), program, correspondence, and texts of speeches related to the 1961 banquet in honor of President Urho K. Kekkonen at the Detroit Civic Center and the 1953, 1961, 1963  and 1966 Finnish Independence Celebrations, the published “Finnish Album to Commemorate Detroit’s 250th Birthday” (1951), various clippings, and blank membership applications.

R-14 Irowood, Michigan Finnish Historical Society records 1952-1963 1 folder.  Minute book ranging from 1952-1963.  Ironwood branch of the Finnish American Historical Society of Michigan (see R-13).

R-15 Marquette St. John’s Celebration records 1921-1952 3 folders. Two ledger books, minutes and financial records, as well as ephemera, concerning the Committee to organize a Juhannus (Midsummer / St. John’s Festival) in Marquette County, Mich.

S-Series : Music and Musicians

Music & Muscians – General Listings

Martti Nisonen Collection

Toivo Oksanen Papers

Arvid (Alex) Windahl Collection

T-Series : Personal Papers and Manuscripts

T-1 Jasberg, Juho Heikki papers 7 ft.

T-2  Haapa, Edward papers .5 ft.

T-3  Rautalahti, Thyra papers 2 ft. Wife of Alvar Rautalahti.

T-4  Tuominen, Edward collection 1 ft.

T-5  Korpela, Waino diaries 1935-1970  .5 ft. Seven diaries documenting the finances and daily work of a Finnish-American farmer.

T-6  Aspholm, Edith papers .25 ft. (1 oversize scrapbook)

T-7  Kähärä, August school notebooks 1903-1905  .25 ft. Sixteen notebooks, including mathematics, Finnish, bookkeeping etc.

T-8  Mahlberg, Linda papers .25 ft.

T-9  Saarisuu, Rev. Arvi Henry papers (writings) 1.75 ft.  See also S-Series for Rev. Saarisuu’s self-printed sheet music.

T-10 Kantola, John papers .25 ft. (1 oversize ledger). Ledgers document Mr. Kantola’s fuel oil business.

T-11 Pekkala, Oscar family papers .75 ft.

T-12 Makela, Hjalmer and Victor papers 1 ft.

T-13 Fredd, Matts and Victor papers .2 ft.

T-14 Haapanen, Alfred scrapbooks 1915-1945  .2 ft. (1 oversize scrapbook)

T-15 Bobbio-Luttinen collection .2 ft.

T-16 Huddy-Ekholm letters .2 ft.  Collection of letters exchanged between Janet Huddy in the United States and Gota Ekholm in Finland.

T-17 Uskila, Aino M. papers .2 ft. Includes “60 years in America” and other manuscripts.

T-18 Kaunen-Verne family collection .5 ft.

T-19 Juntunen family papers 1 ft.

T-20 Helimaki, Sandra Valimaa collection .5 ft.

T-21 Perttula-Maki, Minne collection .25 ft.

T-22 Cole, Lillian (Niskala) collection .25 ft.  Salt Lake City and Minnesota.

T-23 “More Than A Fleeting Image: An Historical Perspective on Women” materials 1 ft. Includes slides, photographs, audio master tapes, and video.

T-24 Koivisto, Edith manuscripts .25 ft. Fourteen plays.

T-25 Moisio, Dr. Elmer W. presentation and manuscript  .125 ft. Self-care health practices of immigrants in the area of Newberry, Mich.  Manuscript and video.

T-26 Vaasan Jaakko (Ikola, Jaakko Oskari, 1887-1951) newspaper clippings .125 ft. “Rapokan Takana” newspaper column.

T-27 Robertson, Sanni Tuori papers 2 ft. (4 oversize items on shelf)

T-28 Thompson, Hilja Fräki papers 1 ft.

T-29 Condon, Richard William manuscript 1969 .25 ft.  Doctoral Thesis, University of Minnesota, titled “The Moscow Parenthesis: A Study of Finnish German Relations, 1940-1941.”

T-30 Sebeok, Thomas manuscript  .125 ft. Manuscript  of “Spoken Finnish” by Thomas Albert Sebeok, published by Holt (New York: 1947).

T-31 Nikander, J.K. mansucript  .125 ft. Manuscript of “Old Testament Bible History,” written by J.K. Nikander, translated by John Wargelin with preface by A. Haapanen.

T-32 Koski, Alex William and Rauha papers 12 ft., 54 scrapbooks.

T-33 Kangas, Maria Routtu collection (Maria Kangas Rotter) 1 ft.

T-34 Rintala, Charles and Aili collection from Marvin Rintala .5 ft (5 oversize items)

T-35 Smith, Thomas Hugh / Splake, T. Kilgore collection  1983-2007 .25 ft. Includes self-published chapbooks and 2 DVD’s.

T-36 Pihlaja, Sakris business ledger and diary 1891-1931 .125 ft. New York Mills, Minn.

T-37 Kososky, Hilma Vienola family papers .125 ft.

T-38 Holmio, Armas biographical files and papers 2.5 ft.  Includes the Holmio Biographical File, Reference File for Towns and Villages (mostly Michigan), a diary/notebook, notes file, manuscript concerning Suomalainen Lähetyskirkko (Finnish Mission Society), and the manuscript copy of History of Finns in Michigan.

T-39 Rautio, Tyyne E. (Mrs. John) collection 1 ft., 3 scrapbooks

T-40 Linja and Walikangas family collection .125 ft.

T-41 Viitala-Vachon, Jingo ephemera 1 folder. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, one manuscript.

T-42 Kettunen family papers  1 folder. Antti Kettunen of Marquette County, Mich. land and probate documents, including 1909 Homestead Certificate, and Margaret Kettunen Zegart artist biography.

T-43 Aho, Ilma Ruth manuscript 1951 1 folder.  Masters Thesis, University of California, titled “A Record of the Activities of the Finnish Missionary Society in Northwest Hunan, China, 1902-1952.”

T-44 Haapala, Milja/Milli/Emilia (Rantala) collection 4 folders. Diaries, ledgers, school composition books, and sewing scrapbooks. 

T-45 Ingrian manuscript – Aatami Kuortti translation  1927-1928 1 folder. Un-credited author and translator, but the original author was Aatami Kuortti.  14 chapters, 99 pages, handwritten manuscript in English. Pastor Kuortti’s works have been translated into Swedish, Icelandic, and Dutch, but no known published English translation exists.  The translator is unknown.

The manuscript begins in March of 1927 and details Aatami Kuortti’s days as a newly assigned pastor to the Finnish-speaking Lempaala parish in Ingria, located in the border zone on the Karelian Isthmus next to Finland but still inside of Russia.    He also served the neighboring parishes of Vuole and Miikkulainen.  The pastor was an ethnic Finn or Ingrian, but also a Soviet Citizen that served in the Red Army.  Manuscript discusses the pastor’s interaction with the Soviet Police as he was occasionally called in to explain his sermons.  Includes a description of life in Leningrad.  Manuscript ends in 1928.  Aatami Kuortti was later sentenced to death for refusing to spy on his congregations for the KGB, but this sentence was commuted to 10 years of hard labor.  Pastor Kuortti escaped this camp and fled to Finland on foot.

T-46 Lehto family papers .125 ft. Insurance policies, obituaries, World War I items, tax bills, etc. Onni, Sulo, and Waino Lehto.

T-47 Hillila-Bickel, Ruth-Esther papers 1962-1993 1 folder.  Programs and other materials related to Cantores Minores, Helsinki Cathedral Boys’ Choir, which was founded by Ruth-Esther Hillila. Programs for two performances where Mrs. Hillila played the flute (Chung Chi College in Hong Kong and Hämeenlinna church in Finland).  Two professionally-printed letters (1969 and 1973) from Ruth-Esther Hillila regarding her work in Hong Kong. Biography.

T-48 Pekkarinen, Hilja papers 3 folders. Correspondence, Delegate Ribbon from 67th Suomi Synod Convention in Ashtabula, Ohio, 1956, Socialist Party Christmas Card of Arvid Tianen, 1911.

T-49 Maki, Albin collection 1 folder. Includes various documents from Hancock businesses.

T-50 Humina Band collection 1 folder. Ephemera related to the Humina Band, Humina Dramatic Club, Sovinto Chorus, and Sovinto Hall of Ashtabula, Ohio.  Some papers of George Whalstrom, former conductor.

T-51 Unlabeled business ledger (probably Fire Insurance) ca. 1895-1900 1 folder. Unlabeled register (rekesteri) that is almost certainly the ledger of the Finnish-American Fire Insurance Company / Suomalaisen keskinäisen palovakuutusyhtiön, founded in 1890. Lists prominent Finnish-Americans and business owners, while the numbers in the ledger probably state the values of their homes/businesses and costs of their premiums.  Covers several Copper Country communities, probably wherever the Fire Insurance Company had clientele.

T-52 Salmi, Wilbert E. “Wimpy” papers .25 ft. Correspondence (incl. granddaughter Rhonda (Wiitanen) Britten), photographs, items related to Mr. Salmi’s assistance with the German film company Samsa while making an Edward Steichen documentary film, Perala School File, Toivola Farmer’s Co-Op papers (incl. membership list), clipping file and scrapbook.

T-53 Suominen, Veikko papers 1945-2010 .125 ft.  Archival items that accompany the large object collection of Veikko and Esther Suominen.

T-54 Toivonen, Elina (Walikainen) collection 1 folder.

T-55 Kinnunen, Otto papers 1888-1903 1 folder.  Includes naturalization certificate (Houghton County, Mich.), Finnish [Soviet] Army discharge papers (1890), correspondence from Pihtipudas, Finland.

T-56 Procopé, Hjalmar J. manuscript 1947 1 folder.  English manuscript, 58 pages. First chapter of a book published in Sweden (Fällande dom som friar : dokument ur Finlands krigsansvarighetsprocess) and Germany (Sowjetjustiz u¨ber Finnland : Prozessakten aus dem Verfahren gegen die Kriegsverantwortlichen in Finnland) but forbidden in Finland concerning the post-World War II Finnish war crime trials of Risto Rysti, J.W. Rangell, Edvin Linkomies, Wäinö Tanner, T.M. Kivimäki, Henrik Ramsay, Antti Kukkonen and Tykö Reinikka.  The author accuses the Finnish government of succumbing to Soviet influence.

T-57 Koskinen, Otto personal papers 1869-1963 3 folders. Includes birth certificates for Otto and Errika Koskinen, as well as their passports and other documents.

T-58 Piirainen, Risto and Anna personal papers 1900-1941 1 folder. Includes passport, naturalization certificates, documents from Risto Piirainen’s home parish of Kuhmoniemi, Finland, funeral bill, Nielsen & Lundbeck billfold, and other items.

T-59 Mankinen, Gladys manuscript 1982 1 folder.  “Michiganin Kupari Saaren entisajoilta 1910-1920,” memories of Gladys Mankinen’s mother, Helmi Maria Mankinen, a centenarian.

T-60 Lantto, Paul personal papers 1903-1969 4 folders. Turn-of-the-century business ledger, World War I commendation papers, journal/scrapbook, and other ephemera.

T-61 St. Urho’s Day collection 1978-2011 8 folders. Art, Greeting Cards, Celebrations, Programs and Announcements, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Governor’s Proclamation Materials, Music, Scholarly Publications, Misc. 

T-62 Scrapbook (unknown creator)

T-63 Holmstrom, Toivo scrapbooks (x2)

T-64 Ruth, Elsa scapbook ca. 1900’s – 1960’s

T-65 Scrapbook of Early Finnish Americans 1904-1908

T-66 Walz, Maggie collection 5 folders. Correspondence, photographs, and other ephemera related to this Finnish American businesswomen, suffragette, activist, and settler.

T-67 Forsberg – Gallen-Kallela papers 2 folders. Emil Alexander Forsberg (1883-1950) was born in Karleby, Finland and was an art instructor at the Art Istitute of Chicago from 1906-1950.  Grant Wood and Dean Cornwell were among his students.  Collection contains speech transcript and correspondence regarding Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s 1924 trip to the United States, and later correspondence among Fosberg and Gallen-Kallela’s heirs to track down Gallen-Kallela’s works in the United States.

T-68 Gallen-Kallela, Akseli colection 6 folders.  Ephemeral items concerning the 1924 visit of Akseli Gallen-Kallela to Finlandia University (then Suomi College), including a notebook of signatures. Research and donor files regarding the Archive’s larger collection.

T-69 Arminen, K.V., and Lindblom, J.F. manuscript 3 folders. Original manuscript and corrected manuscript of K.V. Arminen and J.F. Lindblom’s translation of The Eternal Struggle, a play by Johannes Linnankoski.  Also includes correspondence (including J.H. Jasberg) and ephemera regarding publishing options.

T-70 Ruohonen, Jack mansucript 1 folder.  Copy of Jack Ruohonen’s typed manuscript concerning the history of Oskar, Michigan.  Includes biographies of Oskar residents.  Archive also holds a digital copy of the English translation.

T-71 Eelu Kiviranta poetry collection of self-published poetry .5 feet.

T-72 Kukkonen, Walter manuscript 1956 1 folder. Manuscript edition of “Faith of Our Fathers : A Guide for the Study of the Evangelical Lutheran Faith,” published by the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church in DeKalb, Illi., where Rev. Kukkonen served as pastor.  Later published as a book by American Press in 1957.

T-73 Vehanen, Eino manuscript 1957 1 folder. “Jesus and the Gentiles” graduation essay, Second Year, at the Tokyo School of the Japanese Language.  Written in Japanese script.

T-74 Holli, Walfred scrapbook 1930’s 1 folder.

T-75 Heikkinen, Leo L. collection 6 folders.  Photographs, brochures, and other ephemera related to the life of Leo L. Heikkinen, logger technologisit and inventor of the Prentice Hydraulic Loader.

T-76 Nara, Dr. Robert O. collection 1977-2010 .33 ft. Books, newsletter, and other ephemera related to preventative dental hygeine and oramedics.  Also Närä Foundation philantropic and investment materials.

T-77 Miscellaneous .33 ft.

T-78 Holmio, Dr. Armas K.E. collection .33 ft.

T-79 Keskinen, Vera M. manuscripts ca. 1950-1956 .25 ft. Three manuscripts of Virginia, Minn. resident Vera M. Keskinen: Kaksi erakkoa, Korpisalon vangit, Myrskyä ja tyyntä, and her 1950 collum in the Minnesotan Uutiset titled “Yllätyksiä.”

T-80 Miscellaneous .75 ft.

T-81 Tolonen, Emil O. and Coon, David collection 1 folder. Collection of correspondence between David Coon and Emil O. Tolonen, both of whom worked for First National Bank in Hancock, Mich., donated by David Coon after Mr. Tolonen’s death.  See also the Library Collection for two Emil O. Tolonen poetry collections: Daybreak and other poems, published in 1929 by Kirja in Helsinki, Finland; and Sylvia (Part I), published in 1930 by the Finnish Daily Publishing Company of Duluth, Minn.  In 1929 Emil O. Tolonen also published a short pamphlet about the Kaleva.

T-82 Sorsen family paper collection of Richard Holmstrom 1 folder.  Collection of copied material about Charles J. Sorsen, prominent Copper Country doctor and businessman, and other Sorsen family members.

T-83 Kukkonen family papers 1 folder. Genealogy collection. Labeled photographs and copies of documents.  Also Finni, Korpi, Yrjana, and Holma/Holm/Holmes.

T-84 Lindell, Saimi Wiideman family papers 1 folder. Diaries and other writings of her parents [photocopies], Atlantic Mine, Mich.

T-85 Knapp, Grace collection .75 ft. Finding Aid in box.

T-86 Miscellaneous .5 ft. 10 folders

T-87 Miscellaneous .75 ft. 51 folders

T-88 Huhta family papers .25 ft. 13 folders

T-89 Loukinen, Michael M. papers 1970’s .25 ft. 11 folders. Short manuscripts regarding sociological research in Pelkie, Mich. Notebook and correspondence from participation in the Finnish Folklore and Social Change in the Great Lakes Mining Region Oral History Project.

T-90 Miscellaneous .5 ft.

T-91 Usitalo, Judy collection 1903-1912 .25 ft.  Collection of decorative Christmas Greetings, including Socialisti Puolue.

T-92 Huhta, Art political cartoons .5 ft. 1 box.

U-Series : Apostolic and Laestadian Churches

U-1 Maki Yearly Meeting collection 1911-1949. 4 folders. “Yearly Meeting” minute books (some include reports and sermons) for the several-day annual events of the American Apostolic Lutheran Church, 1911, 1924, 1933, 1935, 1936, and 1938, as well as Finland’s Suomen rauhanyhdistysten keskusyhdistyksen 1946-1949.

U-2 Mickelson-Nominelli scrapbook 1995 1 folder. Scrapbook of an excursion to Northern Sweden that includes many pamphlets about Lars Levi Laestadius and the tourist and religious-tourist destinations in Pajala, Sweden.

U-3 Apostolic Lutheran Finnish National Church, Champion, Mich. records 1907 1 folder.  Transcript of their Articles of Association.

U-4  Laestadian Lutheran Church of America records [2005 donation] 1973-1999 .5 ft. Coloring books and cassette tapes of sermons.

U-5  Kinnunen, Mauri miscellaneous photocopies 1872-1969  5 folders. Copies of various articles of association for the Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church, the Old Apostolic Lutheran Church, the First Apostolic Lutheran Church, and the Solomon Kortetniemi Society.

U-6  Apostolic Lutheran Church of Ishpeming, Michigan records 1931 1 folder. Constitution and By-Laws.

V-Series : Help Finland and Finnish Relief, WW II

Z-Series : Knights of Kaleva collection

Historic Photograph Collection

Photograph Collection (Topical Index)

Archive Series Index:

While not every series has a complete finding aid at present, the list below gives a general overview of the Archive’s record and manuscript collection topics.

A – Suomi Synod Churches
B – Other Churches (not Suomi Synod or Laestadian/Apostolic)
C – Lutheran Church in America
D – Lutheran World Federation
E – Individual Suomi Synod Pastors
H – Finnish National Temperance Societies
I – Upper Peninsula Misc. Finnish Affairs
J – Illness, Injury, Burial Organizations
K – Workers’ Organizations
L – Cooperatives
M – Farmers’ Groups
N – Young People’ Organizations
O – Organizations, Other
R – Historical Societies and Museums
S – Music and Musicians
T – Personal Papers and Manuscripts
U – Laestadian / Apostolic Lutheran Churches
V – Help Finland and Finnish Relief, World War II
X – Finn Fest Festivals
Z – Knights and Ladies of Kaleva